Bootcamp Starts In:

If you want to monetize your LinkedIn

it all starts with creating offers that actually sells...

Master the Art of Creating

High-Ticket Offers on LinkedIn

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Here's Exactly What You'll Get:

🔥 3-Day LIVE Virtual Bootcamp

  • Bonus Day 0: AI Networking Party: Kickstart your week with a vibrant virtual networking party to forge valuable connections and gear up for the AI revolution! (Value $97)

  • Day 1: Create Your AI-Powered High Ticket Offer: Dive deep into constructing an ai-powered high ticket offer that attracts customers to help you find product-market fit! (Value $297)

  • Day 2: Attract High Quality Paying Clients: Step into the future and learn the secrets to attracting high quality paying clients! (Value $297)

  • Day 3: Leverage AI Tools & Automation: Unlock the blueprint to a business that runs itself, thanks to the power of AI and automation! (Value $997)

  • Bonus Day 4: Post-Bootcamp Live Q&A: Your golden ticket to delve deeper into the bootcamp insights with personalized guidance and expert advice! (Value $297)

🚀 Early Bird Bonuses

  • Bonus #1: AI Essentials Masterclass: Gain (free) access to my 1 hour AI masterclass, where I breakdown the current state of AI, AI tools, and prompt engineering for business purposes.

  • Bonus #2: Bootcamp AI Toolkit: Receive an exclusive toolkit consisting of our bootcamp swipe files, copy-and-paste prompts, ai tools, and resources that will help you navigate the world of AI and online marketing effortlessly.

  • Bonus #3: Lifetime Access to the Replay: Your treasure trove of insights, available anytime, anywhere to guide you to a prosperous, stress-free business empire!

Total Value $997+

Register Now For Only

$47 USD

100% Money Back Guarantee - Get Started Today 100% Risk-Free

We are fully committed to providing you with strategies and insights that have the potential to revolutionize your business. That's why we offer a 'NO-RISK, 100% MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE'.

Participate actively in our 3-day transformative bootcamp, immerse yourself in the content, and engage with the community. If, by the end of the third day on February 15th, 2024, you don't feel we've delivered on our promise, simply let us know and we'll refund your full investment - no fuss, no hassle. We are confident in the value and transformative power this bootcamp holds. It's a golden ticket to tapping into high-income strategies and business insights that have the potential to catapult your business into a league of its own.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this event live or pre-recorded?

The bootcamp will take place on April 8 - 12, 2024, live on zoom.

The sessions start daily at 2pm est, and it usually has a 60 minute run time. The sessions are broken down 45 mins worth of training, and the remaining time is ask-me-anything style Q&A and/or hands-on implementation time depending on the daily activities.

If you have additional questions email me

Will there be a replay?

Yes. Replays will be uploaded after the live sessions are done. Sign up to ensure you receive access to the replays.

If you have additional questions email me

Is this bootcamp helpful for me?

If you are a subject matter expert, and want to grow your own B2B or B2C consulting/coaching/service based business then this is for you.

I'm going to show you how I grew my high ticket business without running ads or getting on a bunch of sales calls.

I've never done this training publicly before.

I've only reserved this for my consulting clients, so this is all new information.

If you have additional questions email me

I've taken your bootcamp before. Is this the same as before?

Short answer, no.

We're constantly updating our strategies so our bootcamps area also made to reflect that.

However, if you've participated and paid for one of our bootcamps before email us to receive a special promo code

Please email us from the email you used to sign up so our team can cross-reference and confirm your previous enrollment.

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